Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Hello and welcome to my new blog!

Here you will find links to my various web pages (on the right).

I have a Cafepress store, which has merchandise with my illustrations on it (tee shirts, mugs, wall clocks, cards, posters, throw pillows, and other fun stuff).

I have an eBay store, where we try to rid our cluttered home of unnecessary clutter, whenever we can agree as to what is and is not necessary.

I also have several Squidoo lenses. That's what Squidoo calls its web pages.

I have written and illustrated a story called the Calamari Kid. It's a five-page story. There are links from one page to the next. Be sure to read all five pages to get the whole story.

I take care of my elderly disabled mother 24/7. Some of my Squidoo lenses are about my adventures in caregiving.

I've even written a lens called Seven Olympic Events You've Probably Never Heard About. I once was reading our family's Encyclopedia Brittanica, and I remember seeing some rather obscure Olympic events.

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