Friday, March 23, 2012

One Morning in Kindergarten

I have always had trouble understanding the words of songs.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Up Up Ubi

I have mentioned on this blog in the past some artist tournaments that I entered on Facebook. I never won or anything, but the experience is pretty cool. The other artists were amazing.

I bring this up because the guy who organized the tournaments, Andrew Augustin, has started his own video game company. His first game is available for iPhone. I don't have an iPhone, but I wish I did.

He has a Kickstarter fundraiser going on to help expand his business. I wanted to post a link to try to help him. He's a good guy.

Most of my Facebook friends are cartoonists, animators, and other artists. It's a good way to "meet" other artists and look at each other's work. I know that some other people have had questionable experiences on Facebook, but the overwhelming majority are nice people. We say kind things to each other and gently give constructive criticism of each other's work. We encourage each other and pass along job opportunities.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

One Afternoon on the Beach

I know, it's about time I posted on my blog. I have been trying to work out in my head what should happen in my next book, THE CALAMARI KID IN OUTER SPACE. Like whether he should actually go to outer space, or maybe leaving the ocean be outer space for him. I have a few ideas I'm shuffling around on my story board. We will have the return of Nancy and Tina, the girls from out of town. And of course Joy and Eddie will be there, along with Penny the Bipolar Mermaid and the Calamari Kid himself! And I'll be introducing Tadpole, who is a younger mermaid. The cartoon above features Tadpole.